Reference Film Funding

The FFA supports producers of feature films, films by young talents, children's films, documentaries and animated films on the basis of reference funding. The procedure for this funding takes place in two stages. The reference funding will be allocated in the first stage. On receipt of the award notice, an application may be made in the second stage within three years for the disbursement of the funding for a new project.

Stage 1: Allocation of reference funding

The prerequisite for applying to be awarded funding is that a film you have produced was successfully exploited. The level of funding depends on the total number of reference points achieved, the number of applicants and the total funding budget which varies from year to year. Reference points may be generated through success at the box office or at festivals.

● A feature-length fiction film requires at least 25,000 reference points
● Films by young talents, children's or documentary films must obtain at least 10,000 reference points

The funding is allocated once a year at the end of May in the form of non-repayable grants that can be invested in a new project.

Application deadline

The application for funding to be allocated must be submitted by 1 March of the same calendar year at the latest. Applications submitted after this date will not be considered until the following year.

Stage 2: Use of the grant

The reference funding allocated in each case may be used by the producer, screenwriter or director to realise their own new projects after submitting an application for disbursement. The reference funding should be used primarily for the production of new feature-length films.

A portion of the reference funding may also be used for a film’s preparation or an increase in equity capital that is not just on a short-term basis.


Karin Pennartz

Phone: 030 27577-415

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Jessica Deyssenroth

Phone: 030 27577-417

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