Distribution and Marketing Funding

Apart from funding the production of German feature films, the FFA also backs their exploitation and supports distributors and sales companies. The distribution and marketing of feature-length cinema films can be supported in various ways. Either as part of the distribution project funding, by so-called media services or via an automatic, performance-related funding, the distribution reference funding. The exploitation of a feature film in the cinemas and on video can also be supported as an overall measure.

Reference distribution funding

The FFA supports distributors of successful German cinema films by way of a retroactive funding – the reference distribution funding. As with the reference production funding, the total number of reference points are calculated from the domestic admissions and the success at important national and international film festivals and film awards.

The FFA supports distributors who are regularly active in the releasing of fiction films, films by young talents, children's films, documentaries and animated films with reference distribution funding. This funding is made available in two stages. The first stage sees the reference funding being allocated. On receipt of the award notice, an application may be made in the second stage within three years for the reference funding to be used for a new project.

Deadline for applications

The application for allocation of funding must be submitted by 1 March of the same calendar year at the latest. Applications submitted after this date will not be considered until the following year.


Karin Pennartz

Phone: 030 27577-415

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Jury-based cultural distribution funding

As of 1 January 2025, the FFA took over full implementation of the Federal Government’s jury-based cultural film funding programme within the context of contract administration.

The new guideline for the Federal Government’s jury-based cultural film funding programme is currently the subject of consultations between various government departments. All of the involved parties are working at full speed to be able to publish the guideline as well as associated additional information about the application process as quickly as possible.

The BKM and the FFA are planning to have deadlines in place in March/April 2025. The first jury meetings are scheduled to take place from early summer.

The level of funding to be awarded will initially depend on the provisional budget. Once the federal budget for 2025 has been adopted, additional funding may be awarded at the subsequent jury sessions.

Applications for production funding for films by young talents (feature-length fiction films, documentaries and children's films, and shorts) can be submitted to the Federal Government's jury-based cultural film funding programme temporarily until the end of the provisional budget.

Thank you for your understanding and patience. We will keep you updated about all of the further developments.

Media services

The FFA supports the release of films in the form of media services. Media services are advertising time slots where a feature film can be promoted on television, radio, or online by VoD services.


Margret Günzel

Phone: 030 27577-320

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