German Motion Picture Fund (GMPF)

The German Motion Picture Fund - a funding programme of the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media (BKM) - supports the production of high-ends series and films that are not intended for theatrical release. The funding is aimed at producers or co-producers with a registered office or branch in Germany who have already produced a film or series in the last seven years.

From 2025 onwards, the funding will be awarded as a non-repayable grant of up to 30% of the approved German costs if all eligibility requirements are met.

There aren’t any application deadlines for the GMPF, you can submit your project to us on an ongoing basis, but we must receive the application no later than 6 weeks before the start of shooting. We recommend that you have a consultation before submitting an application, our team will be happy to inform you about the eligibility requirements and the application process and then send you the application form.

Increase in aid intensity to 30 per cent and higher caps

The new directive for the GMPF provides for a uniform increase in the funding rate to 30 per cent of the approved German production costs as well as increased maximum funding amounts (caps) per project. The directive is still subject to regulatory approval by the EU Commission.

The main changes include (subject to approval by the EU Commission):

  • Increase in the funding rate to 30% of eligible costs from 1 February, 2025 (valid for projects with a grant notification and start of shooting from February 2025).
    No adjustment to costs per minute and minimum running times.
  • Increase in the caps
    Film: max. funding amount 5 million Euros
    Series: max. funding amount 20 million Euros per season
  • The eligibility requirements for submitting an application are being relaxed. The required reference film or reference series may have been produced within the last 7 years.
  • The deadline for closing the financing is extended from 3 to 5 months.
  • The deadline for starting shooting is being extended from 4 to 6 months.
  • Approval can be granted if 65% of the financing is secured.
  • The maximum amount for the producer's fee has been raised to €350,000.

The GMPF team will be very happy to answer any questions you may have!


Jolinde Sawahn

Phone: 030 27577-153

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Kristin Holst

Phone: 030 27577-146

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Janine Rump

Phone: 030 27577-149

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Isabell Heins

Phone: 030 27577-145

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Ines Trentmann

Phone: 030-27577-143

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