Cinema Funding

The purpose of the FFA's cinema funding is to strengthen and maintain the nationwide and diverse cinema structure and its quality in Germany. The FFA supports exhibitors in the German market through the following projects:

● Modernisation and improvement measures
● New construction of cinemas if they contribute to structural improvement
● with consulting services for cinemas
● with film education programmes for young people

Making an application

Those eligible to receive funding are

● anyone who operates a cinema in Germany
● anyone who intends to operate a cinema in Germany and can guarantee the proper operation of this cinema.

Funding applications are submitted and processed via the FFA service portal.

Level and category of funding

The modernisation and improvement of cinemas can be supported with up to 200,000 Euros. New cinemas and reopenings can be supported with up to 200,000 Euros, in exceptional cases up to 350,000 Euros. In principle, 50% of the funding is provided as an unconditionally repayable loan and 50% as a grant.

Creating barrier-free accessibility can exceed the aforementioned sums and be made available as a 100% grant.

Measures to promote film education for young people and provide consulting services for cinemas may be subsidised with up to 5,000 Euros.

Partial cancellation of old loans: the FFA may decide under certain conditions that, instead of granting such support, it will write off a residual debt resulting from a current loan granted by the FFA for a previous funding measures so that it can to support the modernisation and improvement of cinemas as well as their new construction if this contributes to structural improvement.


Margret Günzel

Phone: 030 27577-320

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