German Federal Film Fund (DFFF)

The German Federal Film Fund (DFFF) is an initiative by the Commissioner for Culture and the Media (BKM) to strengthen film production in Germany. It is administered by the German Federal Film Board (FFA). If you produce your feature, documentary or animated film in Germany and spend at least 25% of your budget here, you can obtain a grant of up to 20% of the approved costs, depending on your German spent even up to 25% of the approved costs.

As a production service provider you can apply for the DFFF 2 if the budget of the film exceeds € 20 mio. and the German production costs exceed € 8 Mio. In that case, you can obtain a grant of up to 25% of the approved costs.

You will find the eligibility criteria, information about filing an application and all relevant forms on the DFFF website.

DFFF Website


Jolinde Sawahn

Auftragsverwaltung für die BKM

Tel.: 030 27577-153

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Kristin Holst

Zukunftsprogramm Kino I, GMPF und DFFF

Tel.: 030 27577-146

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Anja Geißen


Tel.: 030 27577-148

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Isabell Heins


Tel.: 030 27577-145

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Gudrun Jehle


Tel.: 030-27577-152

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Svenja Rieck


Tel.: 030 27577-147

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Annkatrin Swars


Tel.: 030-27577-156

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Ines Trentmann


Tel.: 030-27577-143

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Eve Malaszkiewicz

Sachbearbeiterin für Statistik,
Haushalt und Fristverlängerungen

Tel.: 030 27577-158

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Ulrike Stockhausen


Tel.: 030 27577-142

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Karolin Riedl


Tel.: 030 27577-564

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Ann-Malen Witt

Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit

Tel.: 030 27577-524

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